Dealing with a difficult loss? Counselling can help.
Grief can be expressed in many different ways. This can happen through the loss of something significant in your life.
It may be as difficult as losing someone close to you to your last child moving out of home or the change in your life after having your first child. It can affect you in many ways and having the support of family friends or someone else can help you through this.

What is Grief and Loss
Grief is a natural response to loss. It is the emotional pain that you feel when something or someone in our lives that we care for or love is taken away.
Grief may result from things like: death of a person, illness, miscarriage, change in financial security, relationship issues, significant life changes or death or illness of a pet.
What are typical changes in my life when I am grieving?
The way you cope with grief is always a very individual experience. There are a number of ways that this loss can affect us. You may experience:
Sleeping problems
Change in eating patterns
Poor concentration
Self blame
Relationship struggles
Increase in fear
Feeling isolated
Feeling angry often
Issues at school or work
Feeling highly emotional

How do I know when I need support?
You know when you need support when your daily life functions become difficult. Grief counselling can help and guide you through the feelings you are experiences enabling you to understand them better. With support, you are no longer alone in your grief.
How can counselling help?
Through support and guidance, I can help you acknowledge and find a new life with your loss in a way that enables you to re-engage with your world in a different but tolerable way. There are 6 stages of grief that you will feel in no particular order:
- Denial
- Bargaining
- Guilt
- Anger
- Depression
- Hope
You will have your own unique way of experiencing some of all of these feelings and counselling can help you become clearer in the understanding of yourself and your reactions.
What to expect in our sessions
My approach to grief therapy will vary from one client to another a grief is such an individual experience. Coming to counselling will help you to express your feelings openly and talk about your loss knowing you are supported and understood. This may be the first time you have been able to truly open up about your loss. While memories last a lifetime, talking to someone can help you learn how to incorporate the past with the changes that have happened and to see a different future through a lens that is more positive.